Second Home
The departure to new worlds...

Second Home - Terms & Conditions

By registering at Second Home every player agrees to the following set of terms and conditions:

§1 Contents of service
(I) Conditions of participation
To participate in Second Home you must agree to the terms of use. These terms apply particularly, but not exclusively to the whole range of services offered by the online presences of Second Home.
(II) Liability
Second Home is a game which is free of charge, so there can be no claim to the availability of service. Second Home will assume no liability for server crashes, errors in programming etc. If a player is put at a disadvantage by a server crash or errors in programming or other such circumstances, he shall have no claim to have his account restored to the state which it was in before the incident.

§2 Membership
(I) Commencement of membership
The membership at Second Home commences when the user has successfully registered his game and/or forum account.
(II) Termination through the player
The player may terminate his membership at any time by deleting his account.
(III) Termination through the administrators
No player has a claim to participating in Second Home. The administrators have the right to delete or block accounts, especially when the terms of use or rules have been infringed upon. The administrators have the final say when it comes to deleting accounts. Players are not entitled to any legal claims, owing to the free of charge nature of Second Home. Furthermore all accounts which do not show any activity (i.e. logins) for more than 10 days will be automatically deleted from the system. A warning regarding inactivity will be issued after 7 days.
(IV) Premium accounts
If the player is paying for his account, he will gain no additional entitlements or rights beyond the those agreed upon through the payment (e.g. an account free of advertising). Premium accounts underlie the same rules as free accounts do, and the administrators retain all their rights. Players are not entitled to reclaim their money unless the membership was terminated by Second Home and the termination did not occur because of the player's own actions. Any infringement uopn the terms and conditions, the rules of play or applicable law can result in such a termination.

§3 Contents/Responsibility
Second Home offers a platform to aid communication between players. The players may use it to communicate with each other. The players themselves are responsible for the contents of these communications. Pornographic, racist, offensive material or any other contents violating applicable law are not the responsibility of the administrators and may lead to its immediate blocking or deletion.

§4 Disallowed interferences
(I) Manipulative measures
The player is not permitted to make use of measures, mechanisms or software in connection with the Second Home website which may disturb the functioning and the course of the game. The player may not take any measures which could result in an unreasonable or excessive strain on the technical capacities. The player is not allowed to block, overwrite or modify any contents generated by the administrators or to interfere with the game in any troublesome manner.
(II) Prohibited other programs
Opening any pages of Second Home with any other programme than a browser is forbidden. This applies in particular to so called bots and other tools which replace or amend the web interface. Scripts and other partially or fully automated programmes which create an advantage over other players are likewise forbidden. These include auto-refresh functions and other integrated mechanisms of the browser, so long as these are automated processes.
(III) Direct logins
Logging in to the account is only permissible via the home page. Automated opening of the account, regardless whether the home page is displayed during this process or not is not permissible.

§5 Limitations of use
(I) Number of usable accounts/player
Each player agrees to only use one account per server, so called 'multis' are not permitted and will be deleted or blocked without previous warning.
(II) Rules
See the rules of the game for more.
(III) Blocking of accounts/suspensions
Blocking of accounts or suspensions amy be temporary or permanent, according to the decision of the administrators.

§6 Data protection
(I) Saving of personal data
The administrators have the right to save the players' data to monitor the adherence to the rules, the terms and conditions and to applicable law. IPs, the e-mail address given at registration and the additional information entered into the profile voluntarily will be saved. The inoformation given in the profile is saved in the forum. The administrators may pass on personal data to the authorities within the scope of their legal obiligation, as far as this seems necessary for the fulfillment of the sovereign tasks of the respective authority within the scope of its legal capacities. No personal data will be passed on to third parties, in particular not to associate partners for advertising. The player may veto the saving of his personal data at any time. Since participation in the game is not permitted without the saving of data for technical reasons, the account or accounts of the respective player will be deleted immediately once the veto is issued. Passwords are only saved in an encrpyted format.

§7 Rights of the administrators regarding the accounts
(I) General information
Alle Accounts, inklusive den dazugehörigen Ressourcen, Schiffen etc. sind virtuelle Gegenstände im Spiel. Der Nutzer erwirbt kein Eigentum oder sonstiges Recht am Account oder an Teilen des Accounts. Sämtliche Rechte verbleiben bei der Spielleitung. Eine Übertragung von Verwertungs- oder sonstigen Rechten auf den Nutzer findet nicht statt. All accounts, including the corresponding resources, ships etc. are virtual items in the game. The user does not acquire any property or other right or claim to the account or to parts of the account. The administrators retain all rights. There is no transfer of exploitation or other rights to the user.
(II) Prohibition of exploitation
Es ist ohne die schriftliche Genehmigung der Spielleitung nicht gestattet, mit Dritten vertragliche Übereinkommen über die Übertragung, Nutzung und Weitergabe von Accounts sowie Accountzugangsdaten zu treffen. Insbesondere ist es ausdrücklich untersagt, Accounts oder Ressourcen zu veräußern oder auf andere Weise zu verwerten. Dies umfasst auch die Veräußerung/Verwertung von Zugangsdaten, Nutzungsrechten, die entgeltliche Kontaktanbahnung sowie ähnliche, der Umgehung der Regelung dienende Formulierungen. Unerlaubte Veräußerung, Verwertung, Kopie, Verbreitung, Vervielfältigung oder anderweitige Verletzung der Rechte der Spielleitung werden dem geltenden Recht entsprechend verfolgt. Unless written permission is given by the administrators, it is forbidden to make contractual agreements with third parties concerning the transfer, use or circulation of accounts or access data for accounts. It is explicitly forbidden to sell accounts or resources or to draw profits from them in any way. This also includes the sale or exploitation of access data, user rights,
(III) Exceptions
The permament and gratuitous transfer of an account as well as the trading of resources within the game are permitted, so long as the rules permit it.

§8 Haftung
Die Spielleitung übernimmt grundsätzlich keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch die Benutzung von Second Home entstanden sind. Eine Haftung ist ausgeschlossen mit Ausnahme von Schäden, die durch Vorsatz und grobe Fahrlässigkeit entstehen sowie sämtlichen Schäden an Leben und Gesundheit. Diesbezüglich wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass übermäßige Teilnahme an Computerspielen z.T. erhebliche Gesundheitsrisiken birgt.

§9 Änderungsklausel
Die Spielleitung behält sich das Recht vor, diese Nutzungsbedingungen jederzeit zu ändern oder zu erweitern. Eine Änderung oder Ergänzung wird innerhalb der Startseite mindestens zwei Wochen vor Inkrafttreten veröffentlicht.

§10 Anzuwendendes Recht
Für sämtliche Rechtsfragen in und um Second Home gilt deutsches Recht.

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